
Big changes are abroad in the energy-responsible sector of the air conditioning market. For starters, we’re reassessing rudimentary principles, such as room space size. This important heating metric is a volumetric constant, one that marries logically to air conditioning capacity. Yes, it’s a marriage made in energy-conservation heaven, but why is this relationship so important, in the grand scheme of things?

Redefining the Fundamentals 

One of the best things about a conscientious energy management solution is its ability to loop back and reevaluate the building blocks of thermal envelope science. That means electronic wizardry and computer aided digital protocols are adopted diligently, but they’re overlaid on top of a bedrock foundation. That foundation is defined by familiar constants, prime amongst which would be room space size, a dimensional attribute that directly correlates with air conditioner capacity.

Overpowered, Underpowered, Just Right Powered 

In explaining this powerful principle, imagine a technologically advanced AC unit. It’s packed with innovative temperature management features, but it doesn’t physically match the room it’s attempting to heat. Energy wastage is the result, for there’s no energy-conservation payoff here, just the stress and strain of a machine that doesn’t match its application. Similarly, a large air conditioning appliance is nothing less than overkill when it’s used to environmentally maintain a tiny room. Yes, it does accomplish its mission, but at what cost? It’s bound to cycle powerfully through its ON/OFF phases and incur disproportionate amounts of energy.

Match Volume to Value 

A cubic meter of space is easy to measure but many older properties use irregular shapes. Still, the cubic volume requires measurement if the right appliance is to be mated to its outlay. A few years back, this figure would’ve been used to calculate the BTU (British Thermal Unit) rating for each unique AC scenario, but that job is now reserved for the SEER capacity, a figure that estimates the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating for that same location. It’s basically an efficiency quotient, a figure that should top the 14 mark, but superior units tend to promote much higher figures. Incidentally, bottom tier Daikin units come complete with a SEER of 14. Top of the line models, well, let’s just say a SEER of over 20 isn’t unusual.

As a primary energy wastage culprit, a poor room size assessment routine will cost a homeowner. But that over/under sizing methodology submits readily to a room space size calculation, one that sends a seasoned installer directly to a Daikin unit equipped with a superior BTU and SEER (efficiency) rating.